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Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
Hernia is the protrusion (bulge) of abdominal organ- Intestine or omentum through a weakened part of abdominal wall.

There is no medicine to  cure hernia

The common types of hernias are present in the


  1. Groin (inguinal),
  2. Belly button (umbilical)
  3. At the site of a previous operation (incisional).

There are many more types but are rare.

Hernia is easily recognizable clinically by examining the patient.. It appears as a bulge under the skin. This bulge may appear on standing or straining and may disappear on lying down. It may or may not be painful. Discomfort may worsen at the end of the day and also while coughing and sneezing. You may have a feel of drag. Usually no investigation is required for diagnosing hernia

Hernia becomes an emergency if it obstructs or strangulates. Obstruction of hernia is when the intestine does not go back to its normal location and remains out leading to constriction or blockage of intestine. Strangulation is when the obstruction is so severe that even the blood supply to the intestine gets stopped leading to gangrene of intestine. They both warrant immediate surgery.

Surgery is the only cure for hernia. There is no medical treatment for it.
Once detected, for best results, the hernia should be treated as early as possible.
Also, when compared with large hernias, the surgical results with smaller hernias are much more satisfying.

The types of surgery available for treating hernias are :

Laparoscopic surgery (also known as Minimally Invasive Surgery / Endoscopic Surgery)

In laparoscopic hernia repair three (5-5-10 mm sized) incisions are made and cannulas placed in them. A laparoscope (a long narrow telescope) connected to a special camera is inserted through a cannula (a small hollow tube), allowing the surgeon to view the hernia and surrounding area on a video screen. Other cannulas are inserted which allow the surgeon to work 'inside'. A piece of surgical mesh is fixed over the hernia defect and held in place with small surgical staples.

Conventional (Open) Surgery

An incision of the size of approximate size of hernia is made over the hernia to visualize and identify it. The intestine is pushed back in its normal place and the hernia defect is closed with a mesh.
The advantages of laparoscopic hernia surgery over conventional surgery are that laparoscopic surgery causes much less pain and patients are mobile within hours after surgery. They are also allowed to resume all activities much earlier and can go back to work within 5-7 days. Another advantage is that both sides can be operated in the same sitting without any extra pain or stay. The cosmetic results are excellent.